Light The City is a local band out of Glastonbury, Connecticut. The band is made up of 5 talented young men. In order from left to right- Jon Yeston(bass) Evan Tetreault (drums) Elijah Orbea (lead vocals) , Josh Orbea( lead guitar/vocals), Mark Loper(guitar). Read more to find out some facts about this amazing band!


How did the band start?

josh had his solo stuff for a while, and we used to be in a band together when we wer ein like 8th grade, so i aquired a recording studio in my basement and stumbled upon his purevolume and was amazed. i told him i wanted to record some songs so he came over and we hit it off again. a little later in the year, mark and elijah were in a class together at the highschool and mark eventually started jamming out songs wiht josh. elijah was primatily in the band for just live shows since josh could not do it all himself. josh and elijah both played in the worship band at their church so they had a lot of history playing together. they had one show prior to me joining the band. we had a drummer chris for a little, but he was married so it was difficult for him to commit. evan and i used to be in a band prior to ltc and was the perfect drummer for the band. the rest is history!

Response from Jon ^


How old are the band members?

Jon(17) Evan(17) Elijah (20) Josh(17) and Mark(19)


Are you going on tour this summer?
HECK YEA! (Response from one of the bands members)


Do you have any pets(if so what kind)?
jon has a huge dog. josh and elijah have a lazy cat. mark..nope. evan has a giraffe. (another responce from a band member)


drink or smoke?

nopeeeee (from Jon)


Do you guys have any other talents besides being musically gifted?

mark is an amazing photographer ( 

 ^also from Jon.

cell phones?

everyone but Josh (known)


fav. colors?

Jon-blue     Mark- Blue     Josh- Green    Evan/Elijah- unknown


Besides playing music what do you boys like to do?
anything fun!
hang out with friends and stuff. (From one of the band members)


what about jobs?

mark works at a bike shop, elijah works at a japanese resturant, i will be working at a hospital this summer, and evan and josh and i guess still i are unemployed at the moment.

Jon's response^




Questions? Suggestions? for Caroline for Brittany

more questions and answers TBA



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